In Case You Missed It…Animal Communication Adventures

Art & Entertainment, Blog Post, Health & Fitness For Horses & Humans / Monday, April 12th, 2021

Overcoming Fear…Animal Communication Adventures

In case you missed the “Animal Communication Adventures” show on YouTube, here is the replay below. I had so much fun with hosts Nicole Elizabeth & Courtney French Moffatt…Animal Communicators extraordinaire!

They imparted some very sage advice on what,how to communicate…the do’s & dont’s so that animals truly understand what you are saying.

 Silent Messages

We talked about what we are telling our animals without words. This includes all animals (and of course…the horse!) Important info if you want to set the stage for success!

Increasing Trust…Building Relationship

In my role as an Equestrian Confidence Coach I focus on strategies and techniques to mitigate fear riding and working with horses. The goal is gaining confidence & becoming calm, cool and collected in any situation.  Strengthening the bond of trust (or restoring it if broken) through effective communication is imperative for the partnership going forward.

Be sure to tune in every Saturday evening at 7 pm. EST  for”Animal Communication Adventures.” Learn how to improve your communication with all animals!


Janet Winters
Janet & The Pirate King

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