Movie “The Rider” A True Life Tale

Art & Entertainment, Blog Post / Monday, August 6th, 2018

I saw the movie THE RIDER on a rainy Sunday afternoon this summer (as most have been here in Western Pennsylvania) and was profoundly moved.  This film speaks to all of us as we navigate the turbulent waters of  life, sharing that which is the human condition. At one time or another, we are all summoned to find herculean strength to overcome setbacks that perhaps may even require the re-invention of oneself. But as “horse people” THE RIDER offers offers a unique dimension, one that can only be experienced by those who have unwittingly met the ground from the saddle…which I’m confidant is the majority of us.

Based on his a true story, THE RIDER stars breakout Brady Jandreau as a once rising star of the rodeo circuit warned that his competition days are over after a tragic riding accident. Back home, Brady finds himself wondering what he has to live for when he can no longer do what gives him a sense of purpose: to ride and compete. In an attempt to regain control of his fate, Brady undertakes a search for new identity and tries to redefine his idea of what it means to be a man in the heartland of America.

Brady, his father, his sister Lilly, Lane Scott and other cast members actually played themselves. I would never have guessed that they were not professional actors! I guess that it again proves the truism that truth is stranger than fiction, or is that art imitates life?

My own story is one of Divine Intervention. I suffered a broken neck, concussion and cracked pelvis, as the result of a fall from a frightened runaway mare. After a lifeflight to the emergency room, months of healing and therapy, I climbed back into the saddle. Was it scary? Yes. Was it necessary? Absolutely! That was twelve years ago, and I have since been blessed to enjoy many adventures with my amazing horses. Trail rides, fox hunts, Horse Masters, and even a few hunter paces and show ring experiences, not to mention my latest foray into dressage.

Whether it’s your own personal experience of an unplanned dismount, the swift kick from a startled horse, the terror of watching a loved one fly over the pole at a refusal, or the hundred and one other things that can happen when riding or working around horses, Brady Jandreau’s experience resonates with us all to one degree or another.

As I was thinking about writing this piece, I checked to see if THE RIDER was still playing in theaters, and as far as I could determine, it’s doubtful. That’s the problem with movies these days…they’re gone before you know it! However I was happy to see that the DVD has just come out, and is available on Amazon.


I left the theater wondering what Brady Jandreau’s future held. Thanks to YouTube, I learned that he now has a business JANDREAU PERFORMANCE HORSES. You can visit them on Facebook and see for yourself their amazing work with horses. God Bless you Brady Jandreau.

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