Twenty Five Most Beautiful Horse Breeds

Art & Entertainment, Blog Post, Horsemanship / Monday, May 20th, 2024

Twenty-Five Most Beautiful Horse Breeds


I just watched an interesting YouTube video by 4 Ever Green, (19,918,163 views) that proclaimed these horse breeds as the most beautiful in the world! See if you agree!

 #25 The Friesian


Native of the Netherlands. Favorite of Martha Stewart & Aerosmith’s Joe Perry!

#24 The Marwari Horse

Marwari Horse
Native of India. Check Out Those Ears!!!

#23 Lipizzan

Horse of The Spanish Riding School

#22 Arabian Horse

Arabian Horse
The Oldest Horse Breed…3,000 years BC!

#21 The Knabstrupper

Knabstrupper Horse
Hailing From Denmark…Pair with a Dalmatian! 🙂

#20 The Fjord

Norway’s Horse…Loved for Riding & Farming!

#19 The Appaloosa



Each Horse Has TOTALLY Unique Markings!

#18 The Brumby


Brumby Horse
The Wild Horse of Australia

#17 The Oldenburg


The Oldenburg Horse
German Horse…Said To Be The Most Well-Behaved Breed!?

#16 Shetland Pony

Shetland Pony
Likely to Win the “Cuteness” Award!

# 15 Falabella

Falabella Horse
Well…Here’s Another “Cuteness” Contender!

#14 Yakut Horse

Yakut Horse
Siberian Survivors…Burrr…

#13 Spanish Norman

Spanish Norman Horse
Bred to Re-create the Mighty War Horses of Europe

#12 The Catria


Catria Horse
Italian Breed…Bellissimo!

#11 The Comtois

The Comtois Horse
The French Connection! Ooh La La!

#10 The Morgan

Morgan Horse
Said to actually “Imprint” on Their Owners!

#9 The Menorquin

Menorquin Horse
Spanish Breed…Black Only!

#8 The Shire

Shire Horse
Gentle Giant

#7 The Hanoverian

Hanoverian Horse
German Breed…Darling of the Dressage World

#6 Dutch Warmblood

Dutch Warmblood

Ancestors Include Gelderlander, Groningen, Oldenburger, Thoroughbred, Selle Francais, and Holsteiner


#5 Mustang

Mustang Horse
It’s Said That the Name Literally Translates to “Wild Masterless Cattle.”

#4 The Andalusian 

Spanish Beauty Since the 14th Century!

#3 The Haflinger

Haflinger Horse
Originates From Austria & Northern Italy

#2 The Gypsy Vanner

Gypsy Vanner Horse
Pirate Thinks It Should Be Number 1!

And Now… Their #1 Pick!


Transparent Hair Shafts Give Them a Metallic Glow!

Okay…I will admit that I have never heard of some horse breeds in this list. Hats off to you if you know them all! Missing For me is the American Saddlebred …

The Duke of Denver (& ME!)

How about you? 

Enjoy 4 Ever Green’s YouTube video here and learn more about each breed on the list!

Pirate, The Barngoddess, & Denver

The Barngoddess Chronicles

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