The Exceptional World of the Equestrian Life

Blog Post, Horsemanship, Travel & Adventure / Wednesday, October 25th, 2023

Love Of The Horse

I believe that there are some things that all horse people have in common.

No matter your breed of choice, or favorite discipline, we all share a sense of adventure, a commitment to learning and improving our riding, and a quest to discover the best care for our horses.

We manifest the spirit of adventure every time we put the toe of our boot into the stirrup and step into the show ring, hit the trail, or take a lesson.

We never know what any particular ride will be like.

Whether it’s the simplest hack around the farm or a workout at the track, every day, every ride brings something new.

Horse Rider, Horse Woman, Horseback

Are we calm and focused? Are we bringing confidence and employing our skills to the best of our ability? Are our horses fit and properly trained to do what we ask of them?

Horse ownership is a multi-faceted proposition. Our horses depend on us to shelter and feed them, and maintain optimum health.

Horses, Play, Funny, Animal, Seahorses

There are shots and other routine veterinary care to provide, not to mention the occasional emergency. (Let’s face it, horses have an aptitude for getting themselves in trouble!)


Employing the best practices in farrier services, dental care and training are all important considerations. Choosing the right tack can make a big difference.

The Barngoddess Chronicles is committed to bringing our best discoveries in riding and horse management to you.

Horse, Horse Head, Hand

Being a horse owner is challenging , but it’s also a lot of fun, or why would we be doing it?

There are so many interesting adventures to share in travel, competition and special events. So many of my most memorable riding experiences happened in my travels…


Image result for horseback riding in the caribbean
Splashing around in the Caribbean


 Cantering down Rotten Row in London's Hyde Park...
Cantering down Rotten Row in London’s Hyde Park


                              Getting lost in Manhattan on my way from Claremont Stables for a hack in Central Park…such a shame                                 it’s not there anymore!

Claremont Stables Central Park, NYC
Claremont Stables Central Park, NYC


Trekking around the Ring of Kerry in beautiful Ireland.
Exploring the Ring of Kerry in beautiful Ireland.


It seems that no matter where I go, including horses enriches the experience!

Traveling through the beautiful mountains of Kentucky
 Traveling through the beautiful mountains of Kentucky


Trekking the Oregon Trail
Trekking The Oregon Trail


Learning the Spanish Walk in Portugal.

Learning the Spanish Walk in Portugal .

Valencia Equestrian

Wherever we are in this world…and however we enjoy our equestrian lifestyle, some experiences are universal…

 Just before a ride…Yup!


Janet Winters
Janet Winters

Happy Trails!





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