
Living the equestrian life is amazing on so many levels. First and foremost we have the opportunity to connect with the horse…an animal that God created to serve man both physically and emotionally. As we look back through the ages, our

horses have been there to help till the soil providing precious food, to transport us on our journeys, to aid us in battle, and to offer heartfelt bonds unparalleled. So many of our social activities center around horses…4H, Ponyclub, Horsemasters, showing, trail riding…the list goes on and on.




Where did the love of horses begin for you? Was it watching Roy and Dale amble down the Happy Trails with Trigger and Buttermilk?


Was it the Lone Ranger? 







Was it the hilarious talking Mr. Ed?        Or cheering Velvet and Pie to victory?



Whether your passion began with My Friend Flicka,


or with the thrill of watching Secretariat win the Triple Crown, once smitten with love for these fabulous animals we were hooked for life!






As for me, I spent many hours of my childhood bouncing up and down on my rocking horse, or visiting a neighbor’s elderly gray Quarter Horse, leaning on the rail imagining glories past. From the time I was a young girl my writing career was inspired by Trixie Belden and her friend Honey cantering down the trail, solving mysteries along the way.

I didn’t actually learn to ride until I was in my twenties, but I’ve been making up for lost time in the saddle ever since.

The Barngoddess Chronicles is a celebration of the equine lifestyle in all it’s forms and fashion. English, Western…everything from foxhunting to driving, from barrel racing to eventing… Our community is united as one with our love for horses!






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