7 Horse Painting

Art & Entertainment, Blog Post, Design / Thursday, June 27th, 2024

Can The 7 Horse Painting Change Your Life?

7 Horse Painting Brings Prosperity & Wealth
7 Horse Painting With Sunrise Brings Prosperity & Wealth


The Barngoddess Chronicles is not widely referenced as a “self-help” resource, except that we all know that horses are good for our souls, and life without them is unimaginable. However…I’ve recently stumbled upon an ancient Vastu Shastra (a Hindu system of architecture) concept that might just bring us all greater prosperity, peace, and good health.

7 Horse Painting with Moon Background Brings Balance & Positive Energy
7 Horse Painting with Moon Background Brings Balance & Positive Energy

Here’s Why…

Horses are among the animals regarded as favorable in Vastu Shastra. They symbolize stability, courage, power, strength, and loyalty. Hanging a seven horses painting is believed to have a positive influence on various aspects of life. Running horses also depict speed and growth in life. The number seven is regarded as lucky, so, placing a seven horse painting in the right direction in your home or office will help increase your efforts, resulting in positive outcomes.

7 Horse Painting In Water Brings Success At Work
7 Horse Painting In Water Brings Success To Work

Like What?

  • Strength and power: Horses symbolize strength, vitality, and power, according to Vastu Shastra. They are known to represent the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve success through hard work and determination.
  • Financial prosperity: Horse symbols are also associated with wealth and financial prosperity. Keeping horse figurines or paintings in specific areas of the house is said to attract wealth and abundance.
  • Positive energy: Horse symbols, when placed in the house or office, bring positive and vibrant energies, creating a harmonious environment.
  • Progress and achievement: According to Vastu, the seven running horses painting symbolizes progress and achievement. It denotes speedy growth and advancement in career, business, and other aspects of life. 


The Significance of Seven

When you stop and think about it, the number 7 carries significance in nature, as well as in many cultures and religions. To name a few…

7 days in a week

7 colors in the rainbow

7 continents

7 cycles of the moon

7 wonders of the world

7 chakras

7 deadly sins

7 Heavenly virtues

7 Generation Rule of the Iroquois 

7 is a prime number…Can you think of more?

Each Horse symbolizes a different aspect of life:

  • Personal Development
  • Fitness
  • Education
  • Career
  • Marriage
  • Children


Placement matters…

The best direction for hanging a 7 horse painting is the south wall of the house or office. This direction is associated with success and fame. However, if it is not possible to hang the painting in this direction, you can choose the east or the north wall to place the painting. The north is the direction of wealth and career. The east is the direction for growth.  Never place the painting in the bedroom or bathroom (bad karma!)

I’m deciding which 7 Horse painting will be right for me. My problem will be placement since Little Paddocks has more windows than walls! In the meantime, I’ll head to the 7-11, sip a Slurpee, and download my 7Rewards app. I’ll buy 7  Pennsylvania Lucky 7 Scratch-off tickets. If all else fails, stay tuned as we dive into the Feng Shui lucky tortoise!


Feng Shui Lucky Tortoise
Feng Shui Lucky Tortoise                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Janet & Denver

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