City Foxes

Blog Post, Fashion, Horsemanship, Travel & Adventure / Tuesday, March 28th, 2023

Tally-Ho Manhattan!


Fixture Perfect

I was lucky to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience of riding in Central Park.

Following in the footsteps of legendary ladies…

Grace Kelly on horseback
Grace Kelly


Jackie Kennedy
Jackie Kennedy

and of course Elizabeth Taylor…


Elizabeth Taylor

I headed for Claremont Stables and saddled up for one of their last hacks in Central Park (circa 1980’s)


Claremont Stables Central Park, NYC
Claremont Stables Central Park, NYC

Mount-less in Manhattan?

Alas, Claremont Stables may be gone, but as I recently discovered, riding life is alive and well in Manhattan!

Manhattan Riding Club logo

Ingenious Equestrians

City dwellers and horse lovers, Melissa Kemp and Alana Stotts knew that they weren’t the only looking to pursue their passion!

Man jumping off high-rise building to horse underneith. - New Yorker Cartoon' Premium Giclee Print - John O'brien |
Not what they had in mind!

So, they joined together to form the The Manhattan Riding Club, a community for riding and social events. The club offers a wide variety of equestrian activities, such as  lessons, clinics, hacks, trail rides, hunter paces, foxhunting, polo, retreats in various disciplines such as dressage, show jumping, eventing, cross country jumping and pleasure riding.

Safety & Suitability

Horse jumping lesson
Evaluations & Lessons

The club offers rider assessments to make sure riders are prepared for the experience (especially in the hunt field.)  Also, lessons are available through Round Crest Farm in Pawling, NY, to keep everyone in tip-top shape!

Education & Socialization

If polo is you passion, you can learn to play!

Exclusive access to one of New York’s finest polo clubs for MRC riders to play or learn how to play indoor polo from professional players! Come find out what it feels like to swing a mallet, hit a polo ball and ride a trained polo pony.

Load image into Gallery viewer, Friday April 7 at 6pm Patterson, NY
Intro To Indoor Polo

Many opportunities to enjoy a simple hack.  One Great example, the BRLA Hack. Explore the trails in your backyard on horseback! The ride is around 2 hours long, exploring the varied terrain and wildlife trails. Cross the creeks through Beaver Dam, ride through the lush open fields full of wildflowers and pass some of your neighbors homes on the way. The experienced horses will walk and trot along the trails and lead riders along an adventure through the Bedford Riding Lanes. English or western tack is available.

Horseback Ride

Explore The Emerald Isle

MRC offers numerous opportunities to experience the thrilling landscapes of Ireland! You can even enjoy flexible dates with friends! Send an email for more information


Horse jumping in Ireland

Savar New York

Riding near, or riding far…ride in style with  SAVAR. The gorgeous collection of apparel by MRC’s Melissa Kemp & Sundus Shaheryar! See it here!

Tally-Ho To All!

Equestrian - Gypse Vanner
Janet & Pirate

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