EQUUS Film Festival-Behind The Scenes

Art & Entertainment, Blog Post, Travel & Adventure / Friday, December 14th, 2018


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EQUUS Film Festival

The glitz and glam of New York City set the stage for the gathering of international artists in film, art and literature at the sixth annual EQUUS Film Festival.

 Lisa Diersen
Lisa Diersen
Diana DeRosa
Diana DeRosa

Founder Lisa Diersen and Co-Organizer Diana DeRosa kicked off the event with a warm welcome at Wild Horses of Sable Island Gallery immersing us in the stunning equine photography of Roberto Dutesco.



Wild Horses of Sable Island Gallery
Wild Horses of Sable Island Gallery


Roberto Dutesco.horse photoRoberto Dutesco.horse photoRoberto Dutesco.horse photo


Roberto Dutesco.horse book
To purchase book click on photo


                                                                            Then on to the elegant WYTHE HotelWythe Hotel for three days of film screenings featuring the bond between horses and humans in all facets of life.


The EQUUS Film Festival 2018 shone a spotlight on the American Mustang Horse.


Mustang Heritage Foundation logo

                                                                         Click on Logo

THE PRIMARY MISSION of the Mustang Heritage Foundation is to create and promote programs and activities that provide information and education about wild horses and burros, elevate their image and desirability, provide opportunities to become involved in the wild horse and burro experience and secure adequate numbers of caring homes for excess horses.

In this interview with @wallaceeventing, Elisa is explaining what it feels like to have immeasurable trust with these animals. “They will do anything for you”

 Courtesy of The Mustang Book Project – Rhonda Ann Gregorio

How they work to heal us…

We accompany soldiers finding a way back to life with the horses help.

“Silent Comrade” – Leonhard Hollmann

Inspire Our Spirits…

The sport of show jumping, the unique relationship with the horse, and why people dedicate so much to the equestrian life. “Desert Flight”

“Desert Flight” // Trailer from Tell Studios on Vimeo.

Test Our Limits…

This beautiful film follows the women who ventured by horseback into the rugged heart of the Andes on our Patagonian Cordillera Riding Adventure. “Patagonia by Horseback”

Patagonia by Horseback from Archerfish Productions on Vimeo.


Respite at Reynard… 

Restaurant Reynard Brooklyn NY

Kitchen at Restaurant Reynard Wyth Hotel Brooklyn NY

Trying new restaurants in New York is always a fun pastime. Luckily the restaurant in the WYTHE Hotel was a great one. As luck would have it, the name is “Reynard.”

Food at Restaurant Reynard

                                             A French Fox at horse event? Coincidence? I don’t think so!

Restaurant Reynard logo


Stories in the Making

The Pop-Up Gallery hosted Director’s Panels that gave us an inside look at everything from the latest filming techniques, turning a book into a screenplay, the making of documentaries on earth’s most taxing terrine, and overcoming our own personal challenges to get the job done.

Frank Calo FMC Productions
Frank Calo FMC Productions

Director Frank Calo produced “Awesome Gal” a film that tells the story of bonding between an abused young girl from a coal patch and an abused horse suffering from the inhumane practice of soring, that come together to heal each other.

"Awesome Gal" The Movie
“Awesome Gal” The Movie




Gobi Gallop Documentary Trailer from Jacob Veloo on Vimeo.



The festival featured over 40 films, so stay tuned for a look at many more in the weeks to come!


Manhattan in the Morning

Janet Winters at Manhattan Saddlery
Some choose Breakfast at Tiffanys. Me? I’ll take Manhattan Saddlery!

A swift UBER ride, and I was in the heart of the city to visit Manhattan Saddlery, the only equestrian tack shop in NYC.Manhattan Saddlery logo

A staple since 1912 (Formerly Millers…bet some of you remember that!) Millers logo

I received a warm welcome, and enjoyed perusing a stunning array of English equestrian clothing, equipment, and gifts.

Manhattan Saddlery

Manhattan SaddleryManhattan Saddlery

Then, it was off to Clinton Park Stables, home to New York’s famous carriage horses. Driver Christina Hansen gave me a full tour from the bottom, where the carriages reside, to the top two floors with stalls housing approximately seventy five horses. I was impressed to see a finely run stable, with every consideration given to the welfare and comfort of the horses.

Central Park Carriage horse stalls

Janet Winters and Driver and Spokeswoman for the Carriage Industry, Christina Hansen.
I’m with Driver and Spokeswoman for the Carriage Industry, Christina Hansen. I want the hat!
Whiskey the horse and Janet Winters
Whiskey and Me…Somehow Appropriate!
horse in a stall
Everybody’s Chill Here!



In the film “The Last Horseman of New York,”  New York City horse carriage drivers join with Liam Neeson to fight for their livelihood against animal rights groups and the city’s mayor set on defeating them.

The Winnie Awards

Back to the WYTHE Hotel for the grand finale of the EQUUS Film Festival, The Winnie Awards. An annual award event to highlight and reward the diverse and creative efforts of those in indie film, music, and advertising, art and literature, who artistically pay homage to the horse through media. For a complete list of winners, visit equusfilmfestival.net

EQQUS Film Festival poster

Winnie award statue


EQQUS Film Festival winners


Murder at Morgan House book by Janet Winters
Click on photo to purchase.

I was thrilled that my novel, “Murder at Morgan House” was chosen in the fiction category.  


Time to celebrate the passion and art of the horse that brought us all together. We gathered at the beautiful Ides Bar at the top of the WYETH Hotel to toast the EQQUS Film Festival 2018!

Bar at the Wythe Hotel Brooklyn NY

horse with cocktail
Cheers to All!!!

Preview of coming attractions…



And more…Stay Tuned!

Barngoddess Bazaar Lofo

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