An aura of elegance and enduring tradition set the tone for Opening Day of the Rolling Rock Hunt in Ligonier Pennsylvania. The rising sun over the Laurel Highlands brought with it the promise of good sport and camaraderie with guests from neighboring Sewickley & Chagrin Hunts.

The day began with a stirrup cup courtesy of Jacqui and Pat Tiani at their beautiful home Villa Toscana. Friends gathered to enjoy a delicious breakfast as horses and hounds appeared in anticipation of the Blessing of the Hounds offered by the Reverend James Simons.


Bless O Lord, rider and horse, and the hounds that run, in their running, and shield them from danger to life and limb.
Bless those over whose lands we hunt, and grant that no deed or omission of ours may cause them hurt or trouble.
Bless the foxes who partake in the chase, that they may run strait and true and may find their destiny in thee.
Tally Ho!
Led by Huntsman Sam Clifton the hounds set off in unison with Joint Masters Fritz Teroerde and Will Burkland…
followed by a field of three flights.
The cry of the hounds and the sound of the horn announced the sighting of Renard…but at alas the wily beast out foxed them all again!
Thus ending an exhilarating chase, and a growing anticipation of a night of revelry to come.
The Hunt Ball
The Rolling Rock club provided a resplendent backdrop and delectable cuisine.
Top-notch entertainment by The Billy Price Band had everyone dancing the night away.
Until Next October…We’ll Leave you
with a little Billy…